Monthly Archives: June 2014

Almagro Festival

Theatre Festival in Almagro

Almagro Festival 2014

Almagro Festival 2014

For all customers, friends and web visitors Casa de Pacas, we offer extensive information on all scenic areas, some enabled and others are enabled to inquire, to and during International Festival of Classical Theatre Almagro.
These festivals are normally held from the last weekend of June until the last weekend of July, every day comprising these dates.
All information is detailed below, has been obtained from the official website Almagro Festival.

Official program for the programming of Almagro Festival 2017.


Festival Theatres Almagro

  • Corral de Comedias de Almagro
    • One of the important buildings of baroque architecture and responding to the sense of celebration, are the old theaters where you take out the drama.
      The comedy theater is a clear example of the change in mentality that came with the Modern Age. The performances so far had a religious character, longer represented in the porches of churches and even in the main squares need to spend a closed space and adapted to the new literature, thus the late sixteenth century, were born comedy theaters
  • Hospital San Juan
    • Hospital San Juan de Dios was formed linearly along the facade, a large room where hospital and church are concatenated.
      The part occupied by the convent, now houses, a stage area used by the National Classical Theatre Company, while the share for Church and Hospital have become the seat of Contemporary Art Space Almagro.
  • Home Theater
    • Neoclassical building built in the late nineteenth century, following the typology of Italian theaters.
      In 1860 the Almagro City Council instructed the Ministry of the Interior a memory that will authorize the construction of a theatre in the city. Analyzing the text of the memory you can see the social concerns of a population with a long cultural tradition, where until a few years ago had University and who maintained a high level of social and cultural claims.
  • Store the Fúcares
    • One of the buildings that best represents the principles of Mannerism is the warehouse of the Fúcares. It is not known when construction begins, but he must have done shortly after 1525, Carlos V year leased the operation of the mines of Almaden to Fugger, forcing Jacob Fugger to construct a building to serve as office and warehouse.
  • Antigua University
    • The foundation of this building is due to one of the most influential and important characters in the sixteenth century, the clove of the Order of Calatrava Frey Fernando Fernandez de Cordoba and Mendoza, Chairman of Orders, that reveals it as a great humanist and one of the great patrons of the first half of the 16th century, provided that on the other hand, imposed family tradition comes.
  • Plaza Mayor
    • More articulate all plot the square urban, becoming the space of reception of the main arteries that are going to set up the city, on the one hand, It flows into the road from Toledo and on the other hand, the camino de Granada. Both routes will generate the core which is the Plaza Mayor.
      E n the Plaza Mayor de Almagro will take place all economic activities, religious acts, recreational, economic and public.
      Regarding the timing of this space, Could not dating, although its origin is medieval, undergoing major changes in the sixteenth and early seventeenth, XIX century, and of course, in the twentieth century.